Clive Branson’s
To my Angling website, run and edited by myself,
Clive Branson (former World Champ!)
An invaluable source of information.
For anglers worldwide
Hi from Clive Branson and welcome to Angling-News During my angling career, which has now spanned over 60 years
(see My Story), I have witnessed many developments and much
innovation. Billed as the worlds first professional angler, By the Angling News during the 80s
I introduced an innovatory approach to teaching videos and
imported new concepts from abroad; high-tech fishing lines,
wagglers a nd stick float on winders, new groundbait secrets
and methods, pole float designs, just to mention a few.
Throughout my career, innovation has been the key; I was an
early pioneer in developing on-line information for anglers
with www.angling-news.co.uk
This angling web site was one of the first in the UK, established
in 1997.
Also Inside Angling-News
News, Views
Regular up-dates including the latest News, views, reports, and lots more..
Continuous up-dates
Up-to-the-minute news, and reports, sometimes as it happens…
Regular Features
Including articles by leading anglers in their field
Reports, up-dates, news and links to important features
Mystery Anglers
And lots of quizzes, games, and fun stuff
International Angling
All the later news views and information from the International match scene
Plus Lots More..
- Clive Branson Match reports
- Exclusive Interviews
- Tips on methods and more.
- Legends of the Past
- Q & A
- Fishing Quiz & Crossword
- Readers Catches and more…..

- Fishing Books
- Fishing Videos.
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